Our Dental Clinic is still on the 1st floor of the hotel next to the Gallery Café Shop!
Hévíz Dental Clinic, Hévíz
Hotel Európa Fit **** superior
H-8380 Hévíz Jókai u. 3.
Distance from:
- Budapest:: 190 Km
- Vienna: 198 Km
- Graz: 171 Km
- Salzburg: 460 Km
- Nearest motorway: M7 – 17 Km
- Nearest airport: Sármellék 13 Km
GPS koordinátáink:
N46° 47.434' E17° 11.069'
Hévíz Dental Clinic recommends you high quality accommodations in accordance with your needs!
Travelling by plane
Travelling by car
- From Vienna-Sopron: Take the A1 Highway, change to A3 Highway and follow your way via Eisenstadt-Sopron. On the road nr. 84 drive through Ukk, Sümeg and Zalaszántó until you reach Hévíz.
- From Slovenia you can reach Hévíz on the road nr. 75. fron Lendava/Lenti.
- From Budapest: Take M7 motorway to Balatonszentgyörgy where you should turn to road nr. 76, than turn to the road nr. 71 at Fenékpuszta.. Follow your way via Keszthely in direction of Hévíz.
- If you intend to travel by car, we advise you to use the route planner programme of Via Michlein: http://www.viamichelin.com
- You just have to ask for it! The Hotel Európa Fit **** superior offers you further transfer possibilities: http://www.europafit.hu/hotel/utvonaltervezo/transzfer